WAM Video Training Series
The Wyoming Association of Municipalities (WAM) is pleased to offer this online video training series for elected officials and staff across Wyoming. These videos represent an exciting new step in WAM’s continued mission to provide the very best in training and educational opportunities for our member cities and towns.
Basic Responsibilities of the Governing Body: Matt Murdock, Mayor of the Town of Pinedale, covers the four key elements that make up the basic responsibilities of municipal governments. This high-level explanation explains the purpose of city and town government, as well as offering an overview of the services each municipal government should provide.
Ethics and Conflicts of Interest:
George Siglin, Mayor for the Town of Lingle, covers the many pitfalls of ethics violations and conflicts of interest as they pertain to the administration of municipal government. His informative program outlines the many state statutory provisions that cover elected municipal officials and municipal employees, and the possible penalties for running afoul of them.
Fundamentals of Municipal Budgeting: Julie Silbernagel, Clerk/Treasurer for the City of Buffalo and Teresa Montgomery, Clerk/Treasurer for the Town of Rolling Hills, tackle the basics of municipal budgeting. This informative program explains the different municipal budgeting structures and special state rules for cities with more than 4000 people or any municipality with a manager.
Guidelines for the Conduct of Elected Officials: Andi Summerville, Mayor of the City of Laramie, speaks to acceptable conduct for elected officials both during official meetings and when representing the municipality at outside events. She explains the role of Mayors in maintaining decorum and properly managing public meetings and hearings.
Legal Framework for Municipal Government: Amy Bach, Attorney for the City of Rawlins, explains Wyoming State Statute as it pertains to formation, structure and classification of incorporated cities and towns in the state. She also explains the common forms of government used by cities and towns, and the responsibilities of different officials under each type.
Wyoming Open Meetings Law: Carter Napier, City Manager for the City of Casper, speaks to the importance of conducting local government business in accordance with Wyoming Open Meetings Law, and the importance of transparency with the public. He also explains in depth exceptions to these rules, such as acceptable use of executive session.
Blockchain is an oft discussed, if widely misunderstood technology, that the Wyoming Legislature continues to work to attract to the state. Attorney Matthew Kaufman, a member of the Governor’s Blockchain Taskforce, explains the technology, its current and future uses, and how we’re trying to make ourselves attractive to the industry.
Wyoming Public Records Act: Karen Rimmer, Clerk for the City of Douglas, explains the Wyoming Public Records Act by giving definitions and explanation of all materials to be preserved as public records, as well as which officials within a municipal government should be in charge of these records. She also outlines rules for providing records to the public.